Friday, December 18, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

the parasited:

In part 3 of Parasite

Effort manifestations -

animals/ simple effort manifestations - restricted series of effort combinations form the typical body shapes and movement habits of different species, maintained throughout long generations. *micheal serres, parastie part3- reversible worlds (without the parasite) vs. irreversible worlds. (with the parasite).
[how does the movement change when parasited?]

"Gender is a “corporeal style,” an act (or a

sequence of acts), a “strategy” which has cultural

survival as its end, since those who do

not “do” their gender correctly are punished

by society (GT: 139–40); it is a repetition, a

copy of a copy and, crucially, the gender parody

Butler describes does not presuppose the

existence of an original, since it is the very

notion of an original that is being parodied

(GT: 138). Salih, Sara. "On Judith Butler and Performitivity"

The corporation is the collective of singular bodies, becoming one body. The oldest reference of the corporation is the Guilds in the Middle Ages. Everyone born into the Baker family, for instance is prescribed to learn to bake and as they are part of the Guild, (corporation) they are primarily known as a baker..

 The singular body when divided from the collective body, takes on the identity of the collective body. The singular body is born from the collective body, from generation to generation. 

Today, it seems the collective body is born from a singular body or idea. When a person wishes to 'incorporate', it is often a legal means to reduce income taxes, and liability etc. but the ideas embodied in the new incorporation are those of the singular founder.

Now, what is interesting is the idea of incorporation and the collective body as one. What comes with this body? There is the human bodies which make but the corporation, but also the building 

(institute) built to house these people.

The White House for instance, is just as much part of the constituional Republic as the gourning body within.

It comes back to a question of identity which becomes exteriorized to the out- of-incorporated being, but this identity indeed impermiates the corporation (I'm a Baker) and parasites the corporations program.

Monday, November 30, 2009

the parasited is once the parasite. and the parasite is once the parasited. a=b, b=a.

we live in a world which is both irreversible (x) and a world which is reversible. (w).1 the parasite exists in the irreversible world, (w) and initiates continual change in movement upon the parasited, perceived and hence observed in a linear, chronological fashion.

but what about the world where time is unlinear (y). in an irreversible, unlinear-time based world (time is collapsed and all 'snap-shot perceptions'2 are in fact layered) we can now say truth is beyond our perception. we now seek truth in tuition and instinct. we seek truth in the very thing that is life, instead of visual, audio, and the other temporal senses impressions of our senses. we seek truth in our movements, which are instinctual and intuitive. but wait- all movement originates from an inner excitement of the nerves, triggered from sense impressions, either immediate or reflective of past experiences. these sense impressions are in fact perceived..
so how can we find truth without perception. we must find it through the object we name
faith. faith is subsituted by a joker indeed...we also have synoymns for it, depending on the context of whats at stake. we call it change, risk, money, black box variable...

parasite. we invite faith to our gate, it enters through the mouth and feeds on of our insides. its distance varies, sometimes we loose it, but it is still there. maybe in the background, or too far away for us to see visibly.

but my question, is a parasite eternal? do we only think we invite it to our gate? or has it always been their, and we just suddeny begin to observe it? or does it have a power- of making itself present and active. is a parasites life linear, or cyclical. as a can =b, and b can=a, at the same time, or at different times, parasites do, in fact exist outside of our linear chronological world. this is where i get back to the unlinear world (y). Y is the parasite world. where the parasite can untimely be isolated as an object, away from its host. because it dies. it will die and did dead without its parasited.

objects in our perceived, chronological world of milieus and conditions can be isolated in our mind. but these objects are still preceived as something. an apple alone, without its color, without its fuel, without its scent, taste and texture is a bunch of atoms, carbon, massed together. in isolation is could be substituted with a tumour.

similarily, a parasite is a meaningless, lifeless object with no odor of sweat, or shit, no breathe, and no point outside of its parasited. it is dead, will die, and did die.

food + distance are substitutable by the joker, or the white domino.3 the parasite is substituted by the joker, but the joker is also a parasite. as the parasite is the joker.

(footnote references yet to be posted)
1-(p19) mastery of movement, laban, rudolf.
2- part3, parasite, micheal serres
3- part3, parasite, micheal serres